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Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Water World Kelaniya, Only Public Aquarium in Sri Lanka

Underwater Tunnel
fjdag¾ j¾,aâ le<‚h" Y%S ,xldfõ uqyqÿ WuÕla iys; tlu uyck ñkaueÿr

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  1. Very Poor customer service!
    I used to take my kids to Water world whenever possible because it is close by to my residence. This is not about the water world itself, but about the people who works there..specially the staff who is in charge of ticketing. Today my kid visited Water world as their school trip and teacher asked me to come and pick him up. Because of teacher's request, I had to go inside just to pick my child. I spoke with the lady at the ticketing counter and told it takes only 2 min for me to go inside and bring the kid. But she was so heartless and asked me to buy an adult ticket Rs. 280 . I explained her my situation but her rude personality didn't want to do some help or didn't wanted to listen. So I paid and went inside because my child. After 2 min I showed up myself to them with my kid and explained that it tool only 2 minutes but I had to pay Rs 280..Money is not everything, but for them money is the only thing that matters. They didn't even look at me and didn't show any courtesy. there were another 2 staff members who witnessed the whole incident. If I lied, they could have arranged someone with me so that they could witness that I didn't go for sightseeing but only to take my child and just for 2 min. As a famous and responsible organisation,there should be a way of assisting people who is in similar situation. I will never take my kids there, yes, it is not a loss for your organisation.. But your bad courtesy extended towards your regular customer matters a lot.

  2. Very Poor customer service!
    I used to take my kids to Water world whenever possible because it is close by to my residence. This is not about the water world itself, but about the people who works there..specially the staff who is in charge of ticketing. Today my kid visited Water world as their school trip and teacher asked me to come and pick him up. Because of teacher's request, I had to go inside just to pick my child. I spoke with the lady at the ticketing counter and told it takes only 2 min for me to go inside and bring the kid. But she was so heartless and asked me to buy an adult ticket Rs. 280 . I explained her my situation but her rude personality didn't want to do some help or didn't wanted to listen. So I paid and went inside because my child. After 2 min I showed up myself to them with my kid and explained that it tool only 2 minutes but I had to pay Rs 280..Money is not everything, but for them money is the only thing that matters. They didn't even look at me and didn't show any courtesy. there were another 2 staff members who witnessed the whole incident. If I lied, they could have arranged someone with me so that they could witness that I didn't go for sightseeing but only to take my child and just for 2 min. As a famous and responsible organisation,there should be a way of assisting people who is in similar situation. I will never take my kids there, yes, it is not a loss for your organisation.. But your bad courtesy extended towards your regular customer matters a lot.
